Sunday, 20 May 2012

Virtual Reality and Religion

The web site Second life is a virtual 3D world that allows its users to create their own Avatar and interact in their own virtual space.

As the site has developed, religious and spiritual influences have begun to develop in Second life. The creation of places to worship and take part in religious and spiritual activites has widely increased and become more a part of Second Life.

So, not only does Seonc life allow for particpants to engage in real life congregations, but also lets people become a part of these virtual realities in a detraditionalised way.

Some of the religious spaces in Second life include Mosques, Synagogues, Churches, Buddhist temples and other places. Second life also offers participants the ability to buy real reading material online through websites such as

You can also visit virtual versions of real life places such as the Sistene Chapel.

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